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English translation for "put out to lease"


Related Translations:
lease finance company:  租赁金融公司
putting:  n.投掷。n.【高尔夫球】打球入洞。
put put:  砰砰声/小汽船/机车
put area:  放置区域置放区
put together:  安装把...加起来, 装配, 整理把…. 结合成一体 / 装配把……放在一起,装配把……放在一起;把……加在一起组装
put uwith:  宁愿忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)忍受,忍耐忍赚熬住容忍,忍受容忍,忍受
put procedure:  放置过程
put through:  把电话接通搞成, 接通接通(电话),完成使穿过;使从事通过为……接通电话
put sugar:  放糖
thap put:  塔布
Example Sentences:
1.All the company ' s past three years ' developments are mainly of the high end office buildings for sale - purpose , of which the complementary supporting parts are put out to lease
2.In accordence with the part ' s class policies of rural areas , the provincial committee of hunan suggested in the prophase of the movement that middle peasants could not be sqeezed out , that the means of production could be put out to lease , that interests must be distributed according to proper proportion to those who bought a share with their lands , and that the policy of distributsll according to work must be carried out
Similar Words:
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